TMT or Thermo Mechanically Treated bars are steel bars which are used in any kind of construction. Like the heavy load bearing structures of bridges, ports, stations, or commercial structures like residential or office complexes, schools and hospitals, high rises and malls. TMT bars are the spine and frame of every edifice. They are used…
In India, as everywhere in the world, steel TMT Bars are widely used. It is used in the construction of every structure, be it a house or a skyscraper, a bridge or a port, a station or a depot- steel is the base on which everything exists. It is obvious that with the massive demand…
The foundation and construction of a building give the project longevity. Longevity depends on the raw material used for construction. The mainstay, spine or backbone of any construction is the TMT bar. What is a TMT bar? TMT bars are steel bars that go through “ Thermo Mechanical Treatment’ TMT bars have colossal strength and…
The industry is advancing and growing the fastest in the construction industry. In this progressive stage, Research and development play an important role in proposing the best options for strong and long of life projects. One aspect is “ How do TMT bars reinforce concrete.” Concrete is a globally used material used in construction projects.…
The present scenario, post Covid 19, has been very conducive for all-around development, especially in the real estate sector. Construction has seen a great increase. Along with the increase, there is also awareness of its negative impact on the environment for decades. The pollution and emission of greenhouse gases by industries, especially steel manufacturing units,…
India is back on its way to the development post Covid-19. Development is rampant in every field, be it farming, education, business and most importantly, construction. With the development, new technology, research and modern practices arise. Today raw materials like reinforcement steel and its impact are the talk of the construction industry. What is reinforcement…
The latest challenge the world is facing is how to save our planet from carbon emissions and how to save & preserve our natural resources. The steel industry is the second largest industry in the world and consequently contributes the most in terms of atmospheric greenhouse emissions. To counter this, the steel industry has started…
Today as we look out of our windows or cars, what we see is a sea of buildings of all sizes and shapes, be it residential or commercial, small, medium or huge. All these structures are strong enough to last a lifetime and are built with the strongest steel. We are proud to see the…
The biggest challenge today is saving the earth from pollution and pollutants. Effluents from large and small industries, indiscriminate use of plastic, deforestation etc., have a direct and lasting negative impact on the environment. Everyone has to contribute in their own way to re-generate a healthy atmosphere. The manufacture of Green steel is one way…
The constant worry on everyone’s mind these days is how to save the earth from years of abuse- the pollutants, the effluents, the plastic waste, the landfills and have a green and healthy atmosphere for the generations to come. We are all aware and practice reduction in the use of plastics- live plastic carry bags,…
Steel is one of the most essential materials for modern society. It is used in every construction, but its production has a significant environmental impact. Traditional steel production is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental problems. In recent years, there has been a push for the development of green steel as…
“ Great advancement comes from great learning.” Post Covid -19, our country is progressing in leaps and bounds. As we all know, the more the progress, the greater the demand for structural facilities. There has been a lot of research conducted to find the right kind of construction raw material that is durable and economical.…